Sun Stand Still sounds like a big-screen movie title. Imagine the opening scene: A lone preacher lifts his hands and face heavenward, entreating God to rain down blessings on the land. The wind is blowing, lightening is cracking, and rain is pouring out like faucets. The preacher asks for health, wealth, and favor...the usual petitions. A lot of drama for mundane prayers. But, what happens if God's expertise connects with the preacher's ordinary petitions? That is the stuff of miracles; the stuff of Sun Stand Still prayers.
The book is built around the prayer in Joshua 10 when Israel's leader prayed for God to make the sun stand still an extra 24 hours. Joshua knew that some of the enemy might escape, so he asked for those additional hours to make sure the job was completed. As Furtick points out, the sun shines every day, but only God can make it shine a full extra day. The premise of Furtick's work is learning to operate with audacious faith. As believers in God Almighty, we need to approach the throne of grace with respectful audacity born out of the knowledge that we serve a powerful God who is able to do the impossible.
The book carefully plots what is required to position onself to pray an audacious prayer. Chapter 19, Ten Guidelines for a Sun Stand Still prayer, summarizes the book into easy-t0-understand and remember principles or concepts. Admittedly Furtick didn't want to reduce the book to a list of ten ways to pray, but it was the best way to tie the book together into a neat conclusion.
At the end of the book Furtick says, "When you begin to activate your faith and pray Sun Stand Still prayers, you're doing more than just changing your life. You're placing yourself in the middle of a move of God." The challenge for the reader is to step into the movement and believe with audacious faith that will do what He says He will do.
I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading more of Steven Furtick.
The publisher provided a complimentary copy of the book as part of the review process.
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